Meet the Team

  • Christian Anschuetz

    Christian Anschuetz


    Project RELO, Founder & Chairman

    “It is important to honor those that gave their all in service to America, yet also to support and recognize those that served, survived, and continue to apply their valuable skills to our companies, communities, and country.”

  • Don Richardson

    Don Richardson


    Project RELO, Military Liaison

    “I view Task Force Tribute as a truly noble cause. It will be physically demanding, and emotionally draining; but it is needed. We must pay tribute to those who gave their all in the war on terrorism, while also celebrating the successes and achievements of our veteran community. So this old Marine will saddle up, and leave home one more time!”

  • Eric Lazar

    Eric Lazar


    Project RELO, Communications

    “My service in the Marine Corps shaped me for life, it altered my DNA; Task Force Tribute is an inspirational effort to pay homage to our veterans and allows me to give back to the experience for which I remain eternally grateful.”

  • Doug Bryant

    Doug Bryant


    Project RELO, Alumni Commander

    “I will always honor and remember my fellow service members from every conflict, past, present, and future, it is time to be a part of something bigger than all of us.”

  • Rene McBride

    Rene McBride


    Project RELO, Volunteer

    “I am involved with TFT because I love my country, the military that defends our country, and all the veterans who have served and given their lives for our country.”

  • Erik Ward

    Erik Ward

    US ARMY, Green Beret 18D

    Project RELO, Expeditionary Team Member

    “Few living service members feel like they gave enough. Task Force Tribute is our opportunity to honor those that gave everything.”

  • Michelle Anschuetz

    Project RELO, Co-Founder/Business Development

    “Each military member, veteran and loved one has a story which they hold dear. As a daughter, spouse, sister, niece and friend of veterans I know how important it is to the individual and families to hear these stories. Our aspiration with Task Force Tribute is to lay the fabric which will enable these stories to be immortalized.”

  • Yvette Dwonch

    Yvette Dwonch


    Project RELO, TFT Regional Lead - Washington

    “Our United States military members and veterans deserve to be honored every day, it is an exceptional privilege to be a part of an organization that recognizes and prioritized this: Task Force Tribute is turning our hearts into a movement.”

  • Richard Sobota

    Richard Sobota


    Project RELO, TFT Regional Lead - Ohio

    “The freedom we enjoy today is because of the brave men and women of our military who risked and gave their lives protecting our nation. By sharing their stories through TFT we will not only honor them but will also enrich our nation’s history and character.”